In these uncertain times we wanted to provide some certainty. We will all get through this together and when we do, the need to protect our wildlife and wildlands will remain vital.
Of course, the arrival of COVID-19 is making a dramatic intervention in our lives. Our plans have changed accordingly. We planned to premier our film The Status of the Grizzly Bear: Has it Really Recovered? on April 2nd. By early March we felt the idea of a public gathering was not essential and we postponed until this Fall.
The good news is the film is available on our website:
It’s great for watching at home and can be used as an educational opportunity for home-bound kids.
Since the Task Force does not have an office or staff, we are continuing our most important work. We recently submitted comments on the Five Year Status Review of Grizzly Bears with nine other organizations co-signing (see our website). We are continuing our research work on grizzly bears, adding to our Citizen Forest Plan and preparing for an objection to the Soldier-Butler logging project in the Ninemile Connectivity Area.
The Missoulian newspaper wrote an editorial with five things we can do in these challenging times. One is to support public interest organizations who have had to cancel or postpone events and face losses of donations. Consider a small donation equal to what you may have provided at a public event or fundraiser. The truth is non-profit organizations could be permanently damaged or go under altogether. These organizations will remain vital to protecting our quality of life when we come through this together. In fact, the Forest Service continues to approve logging and roadbuilding in prime wildlife habitats while our nation is in crisis.
We Will Survive.
Patty Ames, President
Flathead-Lolo-Bitterroot Citizen Task Force